myofascial release

Dr. Holland prioritises the comprehensive well-being of her equine patients.

One of the effective techniques we employ to promote their physical health and performance is myofascial release therapy.
Understanding Myofascial Release
Myofascial release is a hands-on therapy targeting the myofascial system, which includes the muscles and connective tissues called fascia. The fascial network plays a vital role in maintaining the horse's range of motion and overall movement efficiency. However, factors such as intense exercise, poor posture, injuries, or trauma can lead to restrictions and adhesions within the fascia, resulting in discomfort and reduced performance.
How Does Myofascial Release Benefit Horses?
Through myofascial release, we aim to alleviate pain and restore optimal fascial health. This therapeutic technique offers numerous benefits for our equine patients, including:
1. Improved Range of Motion: By releasing tension and adhesions within the myofascial network, horses can experience increased freedom of movement. This is particularly beneficial for athletic horses that rely on flexibility and agility.
2. Enhanced Performance: Horses that undergo myofascial release often exhibit improved athletic performance. By eliminating restrictions in the fascial system, the horse's biomechanics can be optimized, resulting in greater ease of movement and potentially enhancing their competitive edge.
3. Reduced Pain and Discomfort: Myofascial release can effectively alleviate both acute and chronic pain in horses. By addressing areas of tension and restriction, this therapy promotes relaxation and aids in the release of endorphins, ultimately reducing discomfort and promoting a sense of well-being.
4. Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation: By maintaining the fascial health of horses, myofascial release can assist in injury prevention by reducing the likelihood of developing compensatory movement patterns. Additionally, this therapy can facilitate the rehabilitation process for horses recovering from injuries by supporting tissue healing and reducing scar tissue formation.

Dr. Angela Holland is highly experienced and skilled in performing myofascial release for horses. She is well-versed in a range of techniques, which allow her to tailor each session to the individual needs of the equine patients.

During a myofascial release session treatment is to specific areas of tension within the horse's myofascial system. By careful assessment and palpation, we can identify areas of restriction and release them to restore optimal fascial function.