Kinesiology tape can be used for performance and treatment.

For treatment:

The tape, when applied correctly, has the remarkable ability to lift the skin from the underlying tissue. This seemingly simple action holds incredible benefits for pain reduction and promoting healing. By gently lifting the skin, the tape alleviates the sensation of pain, providing relief to the injured area. Moreover, this lifting action stimulates blood circulation, aiding in the reduction of swelling and enhancing the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the injured muscle. As a result, the tape becomes a valuable tool in the recovery process, offering both comfort and support to those in need.

A constriction of the lymph circulation often occurs as a result of inflammation in damaged tissue. This inflammation leads to the discharge of liquid, causing an increase in pressure and resulting in swelling that fills the space between the skin and muscle, restricting the flow of lymph. However, kinesiology tape, can effectively alleviate this pressure and lymph congestion. When applied un-stretched to the traumatized area, the tape stretches the tissue. As a result, the skin, which naturally retreats from the stretching, is lifted by the tape. This lifting action creates convolutions in the tape, which in turn reduce pressure and activate the lymph flow. Tape therefore plays a crucial role in providing relief by promoting proper lymph circulation and aiding in the recovery process.

Damage to muscles also leads to ruptures inside their connective tissue. The pressure and pain sensors, being irritated by the discharge of liquid into the space between the tissue, will show swelling, pain, stiffness and increased inflammation as a result.

For performance:

The tape has shown remarkable benefits in improving proprioceptive feedback in horses. By applying it to specific areas of a horse's body, it helps enhance awareness of the muscles and joints, thereby retraining them to maintain correct posture. The tape's unique pattern and elasticity stimulate sensory receptors, promoting better muscle activation and coordination. This increased proprioceptive feedback enables horses to move more efficiently and confidently, preventing imbalances and reducing the risk of injuries.

The tape can influence joint biomechanics by balancing agonist and antagonist muscles thus reducing protective muscle-guarding and pain. It can be used to support ligament and tendon function and enhance proprioceptive awareness.

It can also improve performance by increasing blood flow to tissues and help recovery by removing lactic acid effectively.

Equine kinesiology tape has truly revolutionized equine rehabilitation and performance by optimizing the horse's biomechanics and overall musculoskeletal health.

  • Uses for kinesiology tape:

  • Injured muscles

  • Biomechanics dysfunction

  • Postural Dysfunction

  • Improves performance and recovery time

  • Skin circulatory/lymphatic system

  • Improving muscle function

  • Supports joints function

  • Fascia